Sunday, January 3, 2016

New Year, New Challenges, New Countdown!

Happy New Year!!! I am officially 8 months pregnant and we have been so busy over the past month.  Isabelle turned 2 and had the best birthday ever!!  It was Winter Break for me and with Christmas, friends visiting from out of town and New Years, we have been going nonstop! 

Because of how busy we were, and how much I was standing, holding Isabelle, and running around with her, I started getting some pretty gnarly Braxton Hicks contractions (which I didn't really get with Isabelle) and they were super uncomfortable.  I read to drink more water... which is funny to me considering how MUCH water I already drink with my treatments... but I did and they seemed to subside.  But then, at night I started to get real contractions in the bottom of my belly.  Some were so bad that I was scared enough to call the doctor... but they were irregular and I couldn't time them so I would just suck it up until they passed.  I think it was just Baby Girl telling me to slow down and put my feet up, which is super hard for me.  I know we are ready for the arrival of the new baby, but I constantly run through the million things I still need to do and I can't sit still.  Over the past few days, the contractions have calmed down so I hope that they will stay that way, even when I go back to work. 

My weekly IVIG treatments have continued and will continue until I have the baby.  I was recently given a new rate which has cut almost an hour off of my treatment and that feels amazing!  My nurse has been having trouble finding veins that won't collapse or roll away for my IV's and it makes the process so nerve-racking and scary all over again.  Last time, she stuck me unsuccessfully 5 times over the course of 3 hours.  3 of those times the needle ended up leaving some pretty ghastly bruises and those spots were super sore as well.  Eventually she had to call in another nurse and she ended up using this crazy flashlight thing to see my veins, to make sure she would only have to stick me once.  They were told they absolutely had to get the IV in because I had already taken my medicine out of the refrigerator to thaw overnight and it was room temperature.  So it had to be done THAT day.  My original nurse started at 7:30am but by the time the second nurse got the IV started, it was nearing 11:00am--which meant my treatment lasted until about 6:30pm.  It was an 11 hour ordeal that I NEVER want to happen again.  I tried my best to just stay strong and positive, but all I really wanted to do was cry.  It hurt, I was frustrated and felt very defeated.  I didn't want to seem weak or make my nurse feel any worse than she was already feeling, so I just held it in until later that evening and cried my little eyes out, worrying about how my last few treatments would go with my veins giving out. 

We have continued to have the bi-weekly middle cerebral artery brain scans on Baby Girl and she has passed the test every time!!  It has been harder and harder to get readings because her skull bone has thickened as she's gotten bigger.  The last time was a bit scary because they couldn't give me the instant answer that they usually do.  Baby Girl was face up and the sonographer was having an extremely difficult time grabbing the pulse of the middle cerebral artery for long enough to get an accurate reading.  They had to consult with my doctor and then call me if there was a problem.  Luckily I received no phone call and in this case, no news was good news.  It was not fun waiting around to see if I was going to be called, so I hope that never happens again!  Also at her most recent sonogram, they estimated that she weighs about 4 pounds and 3 ounces and is measuring 33-34 weeks gestational age (about 1-2 weeks ahead).  

After our last regular doctor's appointment, we have official dates for the procedure and induction.  I will be having the FBS (Fetal Blood Sampling) on January 14th and as long as it goes well and the baby's platelet count is in a normal range, I won't have to do it again and I can be induced on schedule.  Dr. Blakemore will be performing the FBS and she has been very informative and supportive of my million questions and concerns.  I found out they are opting out of giving me an epidural and that instead I will be given a small dose of anti-anxiety medicine to calm both me and the baby down, as well as a local anesthetic.  My recent blood work indicated that I have become slightly anemic and I will be going in before the FBS procedure to have even more blood work done to make sure everything is alright.  I was told that it is entirely possible for me to go into labor after the procedure and very probable that I will have contractions-- so I had to take off of work the day after the procedure so I can be on bed rest as not to exacerbate the inevitable contractions.  I'm so incredibly anxious/nervous/scared about the procedure and I just can't shake it.  I try to talk myself through it, tell myself it's going to be okay and also tell myself it's not worth worrying about until it is actually happening... but none of those things work.  It's always lingering in the back of my mind and I just can't escape it.  One of the ridiculous things that I'm anxious about is that fact that I will be awake in an operating room filled with 10-15 people (most of whom are strangers) and I will have to be naked under my hospital gown.  Yes, yes... I know it's for sterility and I will be draped but what the heck?!?  I keep telling my doctor that I will be wearing underwear and if they have to cut them off for some crazy emergency, so be it.  But I refuse to be awake and naked, it's awkward... lol.  Ridiculous I know... but I already feel like I have no control in the situation and that's the one thing I feel I can control.  I will be extremely relieved when it is all over.

I am scheduled to be induced on February 1st around 8:00pm.  We are hoping to actually have the baby on February 2nd because it's my Grandma's birthday and the date will be 2/2 (and that goes nicely with Izzie's birthdate of 12/12).  I delivered Isabelle very quickly, so our plan might not work... she could come right away after the induction starts or be stubborn and take forever to come.  I guess we shall see!!  I feel more nervous for delivery this time than last time, and I'm not sure if I'm just worried about the complications that could happen or if it's kind of freaking me out to have a specific date and time.  I am also really worried about leaving Isabelle behind because she has never spent a night without at least one of us with her.  I'm sure she will be okay but this Momma is going to miss her and I know she is going to miss us.  I am really looking forward to her meeting her baby sister though.  It's going to be one of those moments I remember forever and I'm sure I'll cry... but I'll preemptively blame that on my raging hormones lol.  We keep wondering what she will look like, and if she will look like Isabelle.  Baby Girl's sonograms look a lot like Izzie's newborn pictures, so I think they may end up looking similar. 

Going back to work this week is going to be harder than in the past, I just know it.  I have enjoyed my time with Isabelle during Winter Break so much and have been feeling all the feels about everything we do together.  I can't help but think, "this is the last time it's just her, as an only child."  We have had our 2 years together and we have our own rhythm.  That rhythm is going to have to change when baby sister arrives and I just want to cherish all the last little moments that I have left with Isabelle, while she's still my only baby girl.  I can't wait to see her become a big sister and I know that she will be so wonderful.  But for now, for the these last few weeks, I just want to enjoy my first born miracle, the one who made me a mother and the one I loved first. 

I'm sure I will get back into my work routine quickly and really I only have 4 weeks until I'm out for maternity leave, but I have SO much to do.  Unless you are/have been a teacher, or are married/dating a teacher, you don't really know how much work goes into being absent even just for a day.  And I have to make plans to be out for 3 months!! It's stressful and my class this year is a bit crazy... So I am definitely nervous to leave them.  I know I can get it done, but I need to get it done quickly--just in case Baby Girl decides to make her debut early or when I get the FBS done.  We are also looking forward to seeing our friends and family at our baby shower/sprinkle next weekend and getting our maternity pictures done! 

4 more weeks, WOW!! In 4 weeks we will be a family of 4. As hard as this pregnancy has been on my mind, body and soul... I've very much enjoyed it as well. The craziness of it all has become my normal and I feel so blessed to have been able to keep our little girl safe through it all. We are so grateful for our families and friends and have felt so supported and loved throughout this pregnancy. Thank you guys ❤️ It really means so much to us!! Next time I update the blog, we will know if Baby Girl's platelets are normal, so wish us luck and please continue to keep us in your prayers!

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