Sunday, June 4, 2017

Baby #3--Treatments, Gender, and Everything in Between

I pretty much knew I was pregnant as soon as it happened, and so Aaron picked up a test on his way home and boom... there it was! A big plus sign, just staring at me. I'm not going to lie, I burst into tears and was unsure how to feel or what my tears meant to me.. Aaron was so happy, excited, and reassuring so that helped me to sort out my own feelings, and think about what a blessing this little baby would be. Still, I've felt anxiety pretty much everyday since we found out. Anxiety, worry, and fear about what's going on inside of me, and I'm sure I will feel these feelings until I deliver our baby.

We immediately told our moms, and had our 8 week appointment, after which we told a few more family members and close friends. Our family and friends were all very supportive, and sweet, but there were some that also expressed some concern. With our history, their concerns were valid, and we knew we would run into them because we obviously had concerns too.  Our doctor was very helpful and addressed any and all concerns we had, so armed with information and confirmations it was easier to talk through any concerns that our close friends and family had.

Most of the concerns we talked about with our doctor were pertaining to the health of our unborn child, and myself. It was decided that I would start the IVIG treatment at 12 weeks, doubling my treatments around 30 weeks and perhaps pairing that with an oral steroid. This plan is different than what I had with Mackenzie, as I just had the same amount of IVIG throughout that pregnancy, and I had no steroids. My doctor really wants to try to give me the least amount of steroids possible because the side effects for me can be long-lasting, and sometimes dangerous. We will have regular sonograms again to check for brain and belly bleeds in the baby, and also to check my placenta because of my abruption. As of now we are planning on having another FBS (fetal blood sampling) to check this baby's platelets at 34 weeks, and praying that the sample shows high platelets and I can go until 36 weeks and deliver the baby then. I'm going to have another C-section as recommended by our doctor.

So as of today, I've had 14 treatments-mostly on Sundays- and it's slowly has become my normal. I was able to start my infusions at a higher rate than last time... so my treatments generally last from 7am-2pm. The first few were torture, with all the wonderful side effects. Migraines, exhaustion, flu like symptoms, and dry itchy skin. The first one was so bad I had to miss a day of work. Until the last few treatments I was having debilitating migraines, and feeling like crap from Sunday to Wednesday. They've definitely gotten better, or more tolerable I should say. My migraines have lessened to headaches, and I start feeling better by Tuesday now. It's definitely not my favorite thing to do, but it's necessary for a healthy baby, and I have to do it. I would do all this and more for a healthy baby. And even though I am so beyond exhausted,  I have to continue to live my life too. I promised myself I wouldn't miss out on things because of treatment, and that I would just tough it out as much as I could. I've actually probably done way too much after treatments, but it is what it is, and I don't want to miss out. 

My nurse, Maggie,  has been really amazing, and I feel lucky to have her. She loves my girls, and brings them presents pretty much every time she comes. My veins are hard to find, still recovering from my last pregnancy's treatments, so it's so scary every time I need to get the IV.  She reassures me that she will find a viable vein (and she does!), and has accommodated my schedule demands by coming on Saturdays a few times. She even came with me to Isabelle's Opening Day for t-ball so that I wouldn't have to miss it. I had my IV in, and my portable pump, and she stayed close just in case. I was able to walk with her in the parade, and watch her have the best time marching, and holding her banner. That was pretty awesome, and although I'm sure people noticed my IV, no one really said anything so that was nice too. I didn't want it to be about that. I just wanted Izzie to have her day, and I wanted to be there. I'm so glad I was able to be there.

My girls are doing amazing, and both are very excited to be big sisters. Isabelle can't wait, she is crazy about her new sibling. She kisses my belly everyday, talks to the baby, and always wants to know, "What's my baby doing?" Izzie also likes to tell everyone that she also has a baby in her belly-- 2 actually-- a boy and a girl.  Obviously Mackenzie doesn't fully understand, but she still pats, hugs, and kisses my belly all the time.  She says "baby" and tries to give my belly button her pacifier.  They are so sweet during my treatments; always asking if I'm okay, helping my nurse take my blood pressure and temperature, and asking questions about my IV.  They know that I am getting a needle to get medicine to the baby, and that it helps her to stay healthy. They aren't phased by anything that goes on during treatment anymore, and I guess you could say the weekly visits from Maggie have become their normal also.

We recently found out that Baby Wright is a girl!! We were so happy when we got the news, and not at all disappointed as some people suggested we should be.  I know it's such a cliché, but for us, with our history, we really ONLY care if our baby is healthy.  This baby already has so much to overcome before she is even born, and worrying about her gender just seems so silly in the grand scheme of things.  And honestly some of the things people said to us about her being a girl were kind of hurtful--especially the implication that "Poor Aaron" should be the one who is really upset.  I assure you, "Poor Aaron" is extremely excited, and hasn't stopped smiling since we found out.  She is amazing already, she is a little fighter, and we are overjoyed that she will be joining our family. 

I really cannot believe that soon I will be a Momma of 3 girls.  I feel so many feelings daily about this pregnancy, about this precious little life inside of me. I already love her so much, and I cannot wait to meet her.  This pregnancy has seemed to go fast and slow all at the same time.  Obviously some days/weeks are harder than others, but I have the absolute best support system out there.  I am so grateful that so far everything has gone well, baby girl is healthy, and I am too.  Thanks for reading, and supporting our family.  I will post another update again soon!!

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