Saturday, September 12, 2015

My last hospital treatment... hopefully!!

2 Saturdays ago I had what will hopefully be my last treatment at the hospital.  We didn't have a sitter for Isabelle, so Aaron stayed home and my mom came with me. I packed up all of my things and my million bottles of water and off we went.  When we got there at 9am, it was the same routine... pre-medicate, fluids and finally around 11am I was given my IVIG.  My nurse was so awesome and I definitely ended up with another girl crush by the time we were done.  Once again, I was her first NAIT patient and she had a lot of questions for me.  I was happy to tell her what I had been through and she gave me some good options for other places I could look for research articles on my condition. 

During the treatment, my mom was adorable and asked everyone a million questions (just like a good momma should).  One of the main questions that we wanted an answer for was, "What is the difference between this brand and the previous brand I had?"  No one had an answer though, which was a little bit frustrating.  We asked the nurses, the pharmacist and the doctors to which they all answered, "I'm not sure," or "That's a good question." The general consensus we all came to was just what my doctor had said before, that this brand just had less side effects than others.  The ladies in my support group were very helpful and many of them said they switched brands multiple times until they found one that was right for them.  So, I was feeling optimistic that this new brand was the one for me!!

My mom and I haven't really had a lot of girl time lately, so it was nice to be able to hang out with her all day.  She even gave me pedicure (well the best one she could with what she had, lol).  Unfortunately, while we were there my mom got a phone call from our relatives in Texas and we found out that my Great Aunt Cornelia had passed away. She was the sweetest, most caring lady and gave the best bear hugs around.  We were sad for ourselves but she was trapped in a body that wasn't hers anymore, so there was a sense of relief that she can now be free of that and go cause some trouble in Heaven. 

My bestie Natalie came up to visit also because I wouldn't be able to make it to her end of summer cookout that day.  I broke down and I cried for a bit about having to miss out on all of my Saturdays, especially in the Fall-- my favorite season!! So, she brought me a magazine filled with yummy men and some yummy snacks and of course we talked nonstop, laughed obnoxiously and exchanged school stories.  It was really nice and helped to break up my day.  Love you, Nawee!!!

After Nat left, Dr. Blakemore came in and asked the nurses to get me a sonogram.  My mom videoed it for Aaron and it is now one of Isabelle's favorites to watch (mine too).  Baby Wright's heart rate was 150 and he/she was moving all over the place!  I'm still not really sure if I can feel the baby move or if it's just something else... but it was so fun to watch him/her move on the screen.  Around 6pm, my mom had to leave and Aaron was dropping Izzie off at Uncle Danny & Aunt Shara's (and she had a blast), so he couldn't come up until about 7:30pm.  I had a little bit of time to myself and as much as I tried I just couldn't sleep... too much on my mind. 

When Aaron got there we were wrapping up, getting the rest of my IV fluids and discharge papers.  I had a slight headache but per Dr. Blakemore and the ladies in my support group, I took Tylenol and starting crushing Gatorade and water.  The next day, my headache lingered but it was such a baby headache that it really wasn't bothersome.  I was extremely exhausted so Aaron let me sleep in and I made sure to try and get as much fluids and rest as I could.  School was starting on Monday so I really wanted to make sure I was feeling okay. 

I made it though the first week of Kindergarten, just feeling tired both mentally and physically.  I had a gnarly bruise on my arm from blood work so some of my co-workers were a little bit rude about that, and many of them don't know my situation or the extent of my treatments.  However, many of my coworkers are aware of my situation and are incredibly sweet and supportive.  I had surprise chocolate, laminating cut out for me and words of encouragement throughout the week. I feel very blessed to work with people who are also my good friends and have made me feel so loved. 

Since my headache was so minimal this time, I was approved for home treatment... YAYYYYYYY!!!  So my next post will be about that experience and hopefully I will not have to go back to the hospital unless complications arise!  I am feeling very thankful that things are looking up and that my body is responding to this brand better than the other.  Sorry I'm so behind with my posts... School, chasing Izzie and being pregnant are exhausting! Thanks for reading and supporting our journey!!

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