Monday, December 12, 2016

My sweet, sassy little miracle is 3!

Your 3rd birthday is almost over, and I'm sitting here staring at you while you sleep. It's a quiet moment, and this kind of moment is hard to come by nowadays.  It's a moment I'll never get back, and  I just keep thinking about how fast time flew by.  I remember 12/12/13 like it was yesterday, and now you're 3.  How did that happen? They say the days are long, but the years are short.. and it's so, so true.  You came into this world fast, and crazy, and you haven't slowed down since. 


I thank God for you every single night; he blessed me so much by choosing me to be your Momma.  I thank Him for all the little things that make up who you are.  People call you "strong-willed," or "energetic."  But there is so much more to you than just that.
You are silly.  So, so silly.  Your giggle is infectious, and you are always ready for a tickle fight, jokes, and goofy faces. You love to make other people laugh, and sometimes you don't even realize how funny you are. 

You are musical.  You love to sing, and dance and you always want someone to join in so they can have as much fun as you are.  You've got the beat, the rhythm, and the lyrics down to most songs before adults do.

You are sweet, loving, and kind.  You care deeply about other's feelings, and get very upset if you feel you've hurt someone.  You give out endless kisses and tell your sister, Daddy and me "I love you SOOOO much," more times than I can count.  You love to give hugs, too.  And you're always down for a high five.  

You're inquisitive, and adventurous.  You love to try new things, run wild, and you're always asking "Why?"  You're ready to climb up anything, or try to jump off of things, and give Momma a heart attack. 

You are so intelligent. You love to count, read, and learn new things. You amaze me with how much you pick up, how many things you learn daily, and how quickly you do so.  And not just letters, numbers, and words.  You know when you're being tricked into something, and give really good points when you're debating with me about something you don't think is right. 

And you are strong...  In every sense of the word.  I especially thank Him for making sure you were and are so strong.  Strong enough to kick NAIT's butt. Strong enough to be a guardian angel here on Earth for your little sister.  And strong enough to give me a run for my money. 

This past year, you've grown and learned so much. You were potty trained.  You played soccer for the first time.  Your vocabulary has grown exponentially.  You've gotten into dramatic/pretend play, and your imagination is growing! You are taller, your hair is longer, and your attitude is bigger.  But, I think of all the things that you've done this past year, my favorite thing to see is how amazing you've been as a big sister.  I'm amazed at how well you've handled the transitionYou are loud, adventurous, and full of energy.  With a baby sister, you're sometimes told you need to stifle those qualities for a moment or two.  "Be quiet, the baby is sleeping".  Or... "Not right now, you have to wait".  Or... "Kenzie can't do that yet, you need to give her space". And yes, there are times when you push her over because she's too close to your toys, or accidentally fall over her during one of your dance offs with Daddy, or try to ride on her back because "Kenny wants to be a horsey." 

But most of the time you are the best big sister anyone could have.  Your "Kenny Benny Boo Boo," is your favorite person to hug, kiss, and hold.   Watching you two together is my all-time favorite thing to do, ever.  You can see the love, and closeness between the two of you, and it's so sweet. You can do something silly that makes Mackenzie belly laugh harder than anyone else can make her laugh.  You give her hugs and kisses when she is sad.  You randomly give her hugs, and kisses too.  You hold her hand, and try your best to keep her safe.  You help feed her, and pick out her clothes for the day.  You sing her to sleep and tell her "It's okay Kenny, I'm right here.". These things, they melt me.  Into an blubbering mess that makes your Daddy snicker at me (as if he didn't just melt too).  I know you'll always be there for her, and she for you. I'm so proud of the wonderful big sister you are.  Just so darn proud.

In fact, Miss Isabelle Grace, my big, beautiful 3 year old girl...I'm just so proud of everything that you are.  You test my patience daily, you love me unconditionally, and you fill my life with such utter joy, and magic that I don't really remember who I was before you came along. I only know that I am better now than I was before you existed. Thank you so much for making me a Momma.  I love you more than words can express.  You are my silly, musical, sweet, loving, kind, inquisitive, adventurous, intelligent, strong little girl.  You are my miracle, and I can only hope that you see yourself the way I do as you grow up.  I hope you know how strong you are, and how much you have to offer this world.  Happy Birthday to you, I love you always baby girl.